QuickSight vs Google Data Studio

August 02, 2021

QuickSight vs Google Data Studio

As businesses continue to amass large amounts of data, it has become increasingly essential to have tools that can manage and analyze the data with ease. Two popular tools in the market that fulfill this purpose are QuickSight and Google Data Studio. In this blog post, we will compare QuickSight and Google Data Studio in terms of features, ease of use, cost, and customer support.


Both QuickSight and Google Data Studio offer an array of features that make big data management a breeze. QuickSight has a variety of data visualization options, including heat maps, scatter plots, and bar charts. It can also handle complex data scenarios, including multiple data sources, and has a built-in ML-powered anomaly detection feature. Google Data Studio, on the other hand, is an excellent choice for data integration, where you can connect your data from a wide range of sources, including Google Analytics, Sheets, and Ads. Its features include data blending and calculated metrics.

In terms of features, both QuickSight and Google Data Studio offer benefits, but it ultimately depends on user preference.

Ease of Use

Both tools offer an intuitive user interface that makes data management and analysis easy. QuickSight has a drag-and-drop interface that allows users to create beautiful, interactive dashboards in just a few clicks. Google Data Studio, on the other hand, has a similar interface that is easy to use and navigate.

However, QuickSight's interface can be overwhelming for first-time users, and it may take some time to master all its features. Google Data Studio is more user-friendly for beginners, making it an excellent choice for small businesses or non-technical personnel.


When it comes to cost, there are significant differences between QuickSight and Google Data Studio. QuickSight has a flexible pricing model, where users pay per session and per GB of data scanned. The price per GB of data scanned ranges from $0.30 to $0.38. This model allows users to control the number of sessions and data volume, helping them to save costs. Google Data Studio, on the other hand, is free to use, making it a suitable option for small businesses with limited budgets.

Customer Support

In terms of customer support, QuickSight has a more comprehensive support mechanism than Google Data Studio. It offers chat, phone, and email support, and users can access a knowledge base, forum, and training resources. Google Data Studio's support is limited to email support and knowledge base articles.


In conclusion, both QuickSight and Google Data Studio have their strengths and weaknesses. QuickSight is better for complex data scenarios, but it comes at a cost. Google Data Studio is more beginner-friendly and affordable but has limited customization options. Ultimately, it depends on the user's needs and preferences, but both tools are excellent for big data management and analytics.


  1. Amazon QuickSight Pricing
  2. Google Data Studio

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